Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Language Centre

Media Library – Self-Study Centre

The Media Library serves as Humboldt’s self-learning centre for students and staff to develop their language skills, supporting autonomous as well as assisted language learning in a rich educational environment. The Media Library offers a wide-ranging collection of modern teaching and learning materials for a large number of languages, which also emphasise their respective regional and cultural characteristics.


Media collection


  • Language teaching and learning materials

    Dictionaries, reference materials, general and discipline-specific textbooks and workbooks and grammar books
    Self-study materials
    Original and bilingual literature, comics and graphic novels
    Language games

  • Audiovisual materials

    Audio books, listening games, listening comprehension exercises from textbooks
    Films, series and documentaries in the original with subtitles in the target language if available

  • Language-learning software

    Educational software for a variety of languages available at selected workstations
    Learning aids for language-test preparation (e.g. TOEFEL exam)
    License for Arabic-learning software

  • Materials for language-test preparation

    Self-study guides, CDs, language-learning software and materials selected by our teachers to support language-exam preparation (e.g. UNIcert®)

  • Newspapers and magazines

    An assortment of weekly newspapers and other periodicals

  • Languages and levels

    By and large, our collection contains media related to the languages taught at the Language Centre (e.g. Arabic, Chinese, Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Latin, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Turkish), but other languages (from Albanian to Zulu) are also represented, from A1 to C2 levels

Online catalogue


  • Tours

    Tours are available for international students and language-course participants (only by appointment, please)

  • Available facilities

    Individual and group workspaces
    Seating areas for tandem partners
    Computer workstations (some with language-learning software)
    Seating areas for international TV programmes via satellite
    Film-viewing facilities (also for small groups)

  • Consultation/Online Course Room

    In our online Moodle course room "Mediothek - Selbstlernzentrum", you can find tips and ideas for learning languages autonomously.
    The password is: Willkommen
    Our Mediothek employees are also happy to provide you with teaching and learning materials in person.

Regulations and guidelines