University's internal Latinum Exam
Twice a year, the Language Centre organizes the special university exam, which is aligned with the requirements of the Advanced Latinum, were a corresponding certificate (university internal Latinum) can be acquired.
General information

Admission to the exam
In order to be admitted students must have successfully completed the preparation courses offered by the Language Centre (comprising a total of four weekly contact hours).
Credit points (CP)/ECTSFor passing the Advanced Latinum exam are awarded 2 CPs.
RegistrationWhen registering for the exam students must bring:
1. the completed registration form (PDF), available also in the secretary’s office.
2. the certificates of performance from the Language Centre’s preparation courses. -
Registration and exam periodsRegistration for the Advanced Latinum exam must be completed within the last four weeks of the tuition period in the secretary’s office.
The (written and oral) exams take place within the first weeks after the tuition period. -
HU students: free of charge
HU stuff and HU alumni: 50 EUR
For further details on fees see Regulations.
University Latinum exam information
- Examination Regulations for the Intermediate Latinum and the Advanced Latinum (PDF, in German)
- General information
Exam ContentsThe exam has a written and an oral part. The written exam requires the translation of a 180-word text of original literature in 180 minutes, while the oral exam consists of the translation of a text of ca 55 words and the answering of linguistic, stylistic, historical and philosophical questions.