Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Language Centre

German as a Foreign Language

Our courses in academic German as a Foreign Language are offered at all levels A1 through C2 for

  • international students,
  • graduate students,
  • HU employees

General informations

  • Information for applicants
  • Information for program students
  • Information about the placement test
  • Overview of course levels
  • Credit Points (CP)/ECTS2
    Foundation, lower-/upper-intermediate and advanced courses: 5 CP
    Supplementary courses: 3/5 CP

    CP are awarded for successful course participation, which means regular attendance and obtaining passing grades for all required assignments and tests. A maximum of 10 CP in total can be awarded towards your degree for successful language-course completion.
  • Contact hour
    One contact hour = 45 min.
    Foundation, lower-/upper-intermediate and advanced courses: 60 contact hours
    Supplementary courses: 30/60 contact hours
  • Semester credit hours (SWS3)
    Foundation, lower-/upper-intermediate and advanced courses: 4 SWS
    Supplementary courses: 4/2 SWS
  • Fees

    HU students:
    Foundation, lower-/upper-intermediate and advanced courses:
    40 EUR per course (10 EUR x 4 SWS)
    Supplementary courses:
    40/30/20 EUR per course (10 EUR x 4/3/2 SWS)

    Basic price: 10 EUR per SWS

    HU staff:
    Foundation, lower-/upper-intermediate and advanced courses:
    60 EUR per course (15 EUR x 4 SWS)
    Supplementary courses:
    60/45/30 EUR per course (15 EUR x 4/3/2 SWS)

    Basic price: 15 EUR per SWS

    For further details on fees see Regulations.

  • Certificates
    At the end of each course, successful participants receive a certificate indicating the course’s length and level, participant’s grade, and the number of credit points awarded.
  • Size of Courses

    Students per course: about 12-20

German as a Foreign Language courses

  • Study preparation courses
    These courses are oriented towards foreign students who have little knowledge of German. They are intended to prepare students to study in German or complement English-based study programmes.
    The courses provide German competence at levels A1-A2.
    A1: 30 points or less on placement test
    A2: 31-40 points on placement test
    Foundation courses A1
    Foundation/supplementary courses A2
  • Study-accompanying courses
    These course are oriented towards students pursuing a university degree. Depending on points attained in the placement test, after students register for the appropriate-level basic course, they can also register for special courses at the same level.
    They provide German competence at levels B1-C2.
    B1: 41-60 points on placement test
    B2: 61-80 points on placement test
    C1: 81-100 points on placement test
    C2: 91-100 points on placement test
    Lower-intermediate/supplementary courses B1
    Upper-intermediate/supplementary courses B2
    Advanced/supplementary courses C1-C2
  • Academic Writing
    These courses are oriented towards:
    Bachelor's students who are writing term papers or for research projects
    International students who want to familiarize themselves with the conventions of academic writing in German
    Graduate students (Master’s or PhD) who are writing academic articles or theses.
    These courses seek to improve writing competence in terms of text-genre traits, style, important grammar and other linguistic aspects. The spectrum of writing courses offered are basically divided into two kinds: 1) those covering a variety of text sorts (e.g. from creative writing through application documents to thesis papers, commentaries, and topical essays) and 2) those clearly focusing on scientific writing and its components.
    They provide German competence at levels B1-C1.
    B2: 61-80 points on placement test
    C1: 81-100 points on placement test
    Supplementary courses B2 (general writing courses: 91539 und 91540)
    Supplementary courses C1 (academic writing courses: 91561 und 91562)
    Supplementary courses ab C1 (academic writing for Graduate students (Master's and PhD): 91580)
  • Courses for doctoral candidates
    These courses are oriented towards foreign students who have very little prior knowledge of German, especially doctoral candidates who need to write their dissertation in German.
    They provide German competence at levels A1-C2.
    A1: 30 points or less on placement test
    A2: 31-40 points on placement test
    C1-C2: 81-100 points on placement test
    Foundation/supplementary courses A1-C2
  • Preparation for the German Higher Education Entrance Examination (DSH1)
    This 46-hour intensive preparation course is oriented towards Humboldt applicants who are getting ready to take the DSH. Therefore, the course is held four times a year, prior to the examination itself. Everybody who is admitted to a study programme at HU can participate.
    Guests who wish to take the DSH at HU may contact the department secretary to inquire whether there are any free places in the intensive course.
    Further information about the DSH


1 DSH (ger. Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang): German Higher Education Entrance Examination

CP based on the ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System

3 SWS (ger. Semesterwochenstunde): contact hours per week