The Language Centre offers interdisciplinary and specialist English courses at three UNIcert® levels II (B2), III (C1) und IV (C2) for
- HU students
- HU stuff
These will help you to prepare for a period of study or a placement abroad. In addition to reading and listening (including study skills) you will practise the relevant academic vocabulary, work on drawing up, presenting and discussing talks, and develop your writing skills. Cultural traditions (including those within a specific field of study) as well as aspects of geography, history and civilisation of the country are also part of the course.
Prepare for English placement test
Placement test for English
Self-study: grammar/vocab practice
Study material in the Media Library (internal HU access only)
General informations
- Course levels for modern languages
- Description of UNIcert® levels
Credit Points (CP)/ECTS1UNIcert® II, III and IV: 5/3 CP
CP/ECTS are awarded for successful course participation, which means regular attendance and obtaining passing grades for all required assignments and tests. -
Contact hourOne contact hour = 45 min.
UNIcert® II, III and IV: 60/30 contact hours -
Semester credit hours (SWS2)UNIcert® II, III and IV: 4/2 SWS
HU students:
UNIcert® II, III and IV:
40/20 EUR per course (10 EUR x 4/2 SWS)
Basic price: 10 EUR per SWS
HU staff, HU Alumni:
UNIcert® II, III and IV:
60/30 EUR per course (15 EUR x 4/2 SWS)
Basic price: 15 EUR per SWSFor further details on fees see Regulations.
To obtain a UNIcert® certificate, you need to submit course certificates demonstrating that you have accumulated at least 8 SWS at the relevant level.
The UNIcert® II certificate is issued on the basis of accumulated credits, with course certificates showing that grammar/vocabulary as well as each of the four areas of reading, listening, writing and speaking have been tested at least once.
To obtain a UNIcert® III and IV certificate you need to take a separate exam. These exams are offered twice a year in the week immediately following the last week of term.
Size of Courses
Ca. 15-20 students per course
English courses
UNIcert® II (B2)UNIcert® II starts at the level attained at the completion of pre-university education (ger. Abitur).
Requirement: 50 points in the placement test
UNIcert® II courses
UNIcert® III (C1)UNIcert® III starts at extension course level.
Requirement: 65 points in the placement test
UNIcert® III courses
UNIcert® IV (C2)UNIcert® IV is only open to students with near-native command of the English language and academic or professional experience in an English-speaking country.
Requirement: 80 points in the placement test
UNIcert® IV courses
Courses for graduate students and researchers
English Law
Special courses
Intensive coursesOutside term-time we offer intensive courses that bridge the level just below UNIcert® II (B1/B2).
Requirement: 35 points in the placement test
Intensive courses
Academic Writing
These courses are oriented towards everyone, who wants to familiarize themselves with the conventions of academic writing:
Bachelor's students who are writing term papers or for research projects
Graduate students (Master’s or PhD) who are writing academic articles or theses.
We offer semester-long courses on writing a research paper (for a dissertation or for publication) and on developing your critical writing skills (for example, for writing reviews). We can also offer numerous workshops on such topics as: Writing the Introduction to Research Papers in the Natural Sciences, Publishing your Research Article: The Publishing Process, What is considered Good Academic Writing in your Field?, Developing your Elevator Pitch, and Writing a Research Proposal.
Most importantly, for those who need individual support on any aspect of their writing, we offer a tutoring service. You may also search our Online Writing Lab (set up as a MOOC) for help from the Internet. Furthermore we assist those graduates who would like to set up a Writers’ Group (PDF) with advice, with a space (a room), and with our own active participation.
If you are a group needing assistance with your writing we can also offer you a tailor-made course or workshop.
Level B2
Level C1
Level C2
Courses for Master’s and PhD students
Individual Tutoring
Online Writing Lab (OWL)
1 CP based on the ECTS: European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System
2 SWS (ger. Semesterwochenstunde): contact hours per week