Insessional German courses
The insessional courses are aimed at international students of all subject areas.
You can learn German at lower-intermediate, upper-intermediate and advanced level (B1-C2). Supplementary courses at each level can be general or subject-specific; there are also skills-oriented courses (writing, listening, speaking, reading). You can brush up your German and develop your skills further so as to be equipped for academic communication. Culture and intercultural aspects are an integral part of all courses.
Before enrolment, you need to do an placement test to determine your current level of competence. These tests are constantly changed on a random basis.
Exchange and full-time students enrolling for the general courses at a particular level may also take supplementary courses at that level at the same time.
The price for a course is either 40€ or 20€ depending on the number of hours per week.
At the end of a course you will receive a graded Leistungsnachweis as proof of performance, specifying the credit points obtained.
Please note that it is not possible to sit language tests or exams without doing a course first.
In the table describing the language level you find the number of points in the entrance required for each level. You find all the courses at a particular level if you follow the respective link.
Once you have found all the information you need, you may start with the test.